Learn More About Custom Cleaning of the Treasure Coast in Stuart
The premier choice for all of your cleaning needs in Stuart and surrounding areas.
Hello, my name is Rhonda Leon.
I was born in Stuart and have lived in Martin County for most of my life. I think Martin County and the Treasure Coast are a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family.
I started Custom Cleaning in January 1991 almost by accident. At the time, I was working as a medical technician in a Stuart doctor’s office. The regular office cleaning company went on vacation and I volunteered to clean the office while they were away.
I volunteered because I LOVE to clean! I thought this would be my chance to finally get the office cleaned up and looking more professional. Over the years the regular cleaning company had gotten comfortable with the account and the office was not as clean as it should have been.
It soon became obvious to me that there was a real need in Martin County for a high quality cleaning service. I decided to go into business, and Custom Cleaning was on its way. Within a very short time I had cleaning accounts in Stuart, Palm City, Sewall’s Point, Jensen Beach, Rio and Hobe Sound.

I expanded my cleaning business to include residential cleaning and construction cleaning as well as commercial cleaning, and began recruiting cleaning professionals to help with some of the cleaning accounts.
There are currently 30 full-time and 5 part-time professional cleaners working for us and they are the heart and soul of our operation. Each and every one of them is hand-picked, thoroughly vetted, and background checked to ensure that they’re up to the task. We also make sure they are all fully bonded and insured so as to offer an additional level of protection and peace of mind for our clients.
We take immense pride in their ability to consistently deliver amazing results, as well as their commitment to uphold the highest standards of quality and professionalism. Their excellence is a direct result of their passion and dedication but, also, continuous training that keeps them up-to-date with the latest cleaning methods and the industry’s best practices.
As of January 3, 2022, Custom Cleaning celebrated 31 years in business serving Residential, Commercial and Construction Cleaning Clients in Martin County.
We are proud to say that we have some of the most amazing clients that have put their trust in us and that is something we cherish and don’t take lightly.
We TRULY look forward to serving you.
Rhonda Leon

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