Tag: Tackle Clutter

You don’t have to be a hoarder to have a lot of clutter around the house. Many of us are reluctant to get rid of things that we have become attached to, even if we don’t use them any longer. But one way to motivate yourself to get rid of clutter is, instead of just […]

Cleaning is something you hire done, but clutter is something only you can deal with. When we go about our normal lives, day-after-day, we end up with a build-up of useless stuff. If we don’t stop and deal with it, it will take over our homes, making our lives much more complicated. But who has […]
Closets are the greatest things, they hold what we need and hide what we don’t. Sooner or later you get to the point that you can’t fit any more in, and you don’t know what you have. This usually causes stress and frustration. If you’re there, or even almost there, it is time to go […]

It happens before you know it: suddenly, you look around to find your home filled with stuff. Maybe your dining room table, master bedroom, or the desk in your office has become a catch-all for miscellaneous things. Though they may seem harmless, these items become a constant demand for your time and attention, and can […]